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Elisa Potter

Full Name:

Elisa Marie Potter

Date of Birth:

25 July 2082

Blood Status:




Elisa Marie Potter is currently enrolled at Primary Wizarding School.

Elisa was born (25 July 2082; 12:02 a.m) in London, England after her twin sister Alana (24 July 2082; 11:58 p.m) to Victoria Culloden and Charely Potter. Her mother works in the British Ministry of Magic under Magical Games and Sports. Her father who had met her mother while working in the same department is currently the Headmaster and Magical Sports Coach at the Primary Wizarding School. Elisa also has older half-brothers Bart (through Victoria) and Wade (through Charely) and a younger half-sister Helena (through Cosgrach).

Elisa is currently enjoying her childhood. She adores her older brothers and sister along with her extended family members and looks forward to playing with them at the first sight. Her favorite colours are baby blue, white and periwinkle. She enjoys dancing, playing with bubbles and animals. Elisa is also super close with her twin, to the point of occasionally feeling some of her emotions at the same time which enables some of her abilities to take form.

Elisa first enrolled at PWS at the age of four with her twin sister Alana. They remained close as ever, helping each other out when there was trouble for either. Occasionally they liked to switch places and pretend to be each other. Of course their parents always could tell who was who, leading to some trouble to them when caught. Her magical abilities took form around her seventh birthday to her delight at first. She was now able to take additional classes relating to controlling them, however, Alana hadn't shown her abilities yet. For the first time they are sent to different classes. Elisa was sad about this but believes Alana will be able to join her too so she makes sure to fill her in on what she has learned.
